Know all about Dachshunds!

Dachshunds, originally bred in Germany in the 15th century, were designed for hunting. Their name translates to “badger dog”, reflecting their purpose of burrowing into badger dens. Bred in different sizes to hunt different animals, they were later split into Standard and Miniature breeds.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria’s love for Dachshunds boosted their popularity in Britain. Imported to the US in the same period, they also gained popularity there, especially post-World War II. Dachshunds, recognized by their elongated body and short legs, are now beloved pets worldwide, known for their fearless and playful nature.

Fun Dachshund Facts

What Do They prey On?


What Are Their Main Threats?

Poor breeding

What Do They Eat?


What Is Their Conservation Status?

Least concern

Average Litter Size?

4 to 8 puppies

Where You’ll Find Them?

Urban and Suburban Households

How Much Do They Weigh?

16-32 lb (7.3-14.5 kg)



How Long Are They?

21.5 to 25 in



How Tall Are They?

Standard: 8-9 in

Miniature: 5-6 in‍



What Do They Look Like?

Long bodies, short stubby legs, long snouts, long droopy ears



Skin type

Smooth  fur



Dachshund Appearance

Dachshunds are charming little dogs. They’ve got this long body, almost like a hotdog. Short, sturdy legs? Yes, they have those too. They’re built for burrowing. You’ll see two sizes: standard and mini. Standards can hit 32 pounds, while minis stay under 12.

Their coats vary, you might find a smooth, sleek Dachshund or maybe one with long, flowing fur. Some even sport wiry, rough coats. Colours and patterns are all over the map. But those twinkling eyes and floppy ears? You can’t resist. They’re bold. They’re spirited. They’re Dachshunds.

Dachshund Personality

Dachshunds are quite the characters! They’re brimming with personality. These little dogs are fearless. Badgers didn’t scare them, remember? They’re stubborn, too. Yes, very stubborn. But don’t worry, it’s endearing. They’ve got a playful side that’s simply irresistible. Full of energy, always ready for fun.

And their loyalty? Unmatched. They’re devoted to their humans. Sometimes, they can be a bit wary of strangers. But once they know you, you’re in. They’ll shower you with love and affection. That’s a Dachshund for you!

Dachshund Energy Level

Dachshunds, oh boy, they have energy! It’s like they’re mini power plants. They’re not just couch potatoes. No, sir! These dogs love a good play session. Fetch in the backyard? They’re game. A brisk walk around the block?

They’re trotting beside you. Remember, they were bred for hunting, so they have endurance. But, they know when to chill too. Cosy nap on the sofa after a fun day? Perfect. It’s all about balance with Dachshunds. High-energy fun, then rest and recharge!

Dachshund Diet

Feeding a Dachshund? It’s all about balance. They need protein for those strong muscles. Chicken, beef, fish? Yum! Veggies and grains for vitamins? Absolutely. They love variety. But portion control is key. Remember, they’re small dogs.

Overfeeding can lead to obesity, and that’s bad news for their long backs. Treats? Sure, but in moderation. And plenty of fresh water, of course. A healthy diet keeps them vibrant and active. So, balanced meals, portion control, and love. That’s the Dachshund diet!

Dachshund Exercise

Let’s talk Dachshund exercise. These lively dogs love being active. Daily walks? Yes, please! It keeps them fit and happy. But remember, their legs are short. Long-distance running isn’t their thing. Short, fun play sessions? They’re all over it. Fetch, hide-and-seek, they love games. And mental exercise, too.

They enjoy puzzles and toys. It keeps their sharp minds engaged. Don’t forget, they’re hunters at heart. So sniffing and exploring? It’s their jam! Balance physical and mental exercise, and you’ll have a happy Dachshund.

Ideal Environment for a Dachshund

So, what’s the ideal environment for a Dachshund? They’re versatile. Big house, small apartment, they adapt. But they need exercise. A yard to explore? They’d love it. But a daily walk will do. They’re social dogs. They thrive with company, human or canine.

Indoor living? That’s a must. They’re not built for extreme weather. Keep their space safe. They love to climb and burrow. It could lead to accidents. So, safe spaces, exercise, and companionship. That’s Dachshund’s ideal environment!

Ideal Family for a Dachshund

Who’s the ideal family for a Dachshund? They’re fantastic with active families. People who love walks and playtime? Perfect match. Got another dog? Even better. They love company. Kids in the house? Great, but they should be respectful. Rough handling isn’t for Dachshunds.

Seniors or singles? They’d love a Dachshund’s companionship. But remember, they need attention and engagement. So a family ready to invest time, love, and energy. That’s the ideal family for a Dachshund. In return, they’ll give back endless love and loyalty!

Dachshund Training

Training a Dachshund? Buckle up for a fun ride! They’re intelligent. They pick up tricks and commands. But remember, they’re stubborn. Patience is key. Positive reinforcement works wonders. Treats, praise, they love it. Early socialization? Essential.

It makes them well-rounded dogs. Housetraining can be a challenge. But with consistency, they’ll get it. Don’t forget, they’re diggers. So, train them to dig in the right spots. Regular training sessions, patience, and a lot of love. That’s the recipe for Dachshund training success!

Dachshund Grooming

Grooming a Dachshund? It depends on their coat. Smooth-haired ones? Easy-peasy. A weekly brush will do. Long-haired or wire-haired? They need more attention. Regular brushing prevents matting. Bathing? Only when needed. They’re not big on dirt. But their ears need care. Regular checks and cleaning prevent infections.

Nail trimming? Absolutely. Overgrown nails aren’t comfortable. Teeth brushing? Yes, it’s a thing. Good dental hygiene is important. Remember, grooming isn’t just about looking good. It’s about staying healthy, too. Make it a fun, bonding experience!

Dachshund Health

Keeping a Dachshund healthy? It’s all about care. Regular vet checks? Non-negotiable. They help catch issues early. Their long backs are prone to problems. Keep weight in check. No jumping off high furniture. Dental health? Important, too. Regular teeth cleaning is a must.

Skin issues can crop up, so check their coat often. Diet and exercise? The key to overall health. And let’s not forget love and attention. A happy Dachshund is a healthy Dachshund. With proper care, these little dogs can live long, happy lives!

Why are Dachshunds the best pets?

Why are Dachshunds the best pets? Oh, where do I start? They’re small but they’ve got big personalities. Fearless, yet so lovable. And their loyalty? Unmatched. They’re great companions, always up for cuddles. Love playing? They’re your perfect playmates. And they’ll make you laugh with their antics.

Sure, they can be stubborn. But that’s just part of their charm. They’re intelligent and adaptable. City apartments or countryside, they fit right in. They’re not just pets, they’re family. That’s why Dachshunds are the best!

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of exercise does a Dachshund need?

 Dachshunds are active and love exercise, but their routine should respect their short legs and long back. Daily walks, short play sessions, and mentally stimulating games are great. Avoid activities that strain their spine, like jumping or climbing too many stairs.

 What’s the best diet for a Dachshund?

 A balanced diet rich in protein, grains, and veggies is ideal. Portion control is crucial to prevent obesity, which can lead to back problems. Treats are fine but should be given in moderation. Always ensure your Dachshund has access to fresh water.

 How should I groom my Dachshund?

Grooming depends on the coat type. Smooth-haired Dachshunds need minimal grooming, while long-haired and wire-haired ones require regular brushing. Don’t forget to check and clean their ears, brush their teeth, and trim their nails.

What are some common health issues in Dachshunds?

 The most common health concern is back problems, due to their long body and short legs. Keeping them at a healthy weight and preventing high jumps can help avoid this. Regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and proper dental care can maintain their overall health.